When you have problems with your car DSG / S-Tronic mechatronics unit, please, fill the form and press the Send-button!
We will contact you as soon as possible, at the same time you will get repair cost estimate from us.
* = mandatory field

Contact information

Car info

Trouble codes

Observations about the transmission
 Trouble occurs when the engine is cold
 Trouble occurs when the engine is warm / hot
 Gears are jumping while driving
 Gearbox jerks
 PRND light is flashing on dashboard
 Transmission shifts into neutral by itself
 All the gears works after re-starting the car
 Some gears works after re-starting the car

Send the form by clicking the Send button. In addition you will get a copy about this form to your email address:.

Please leave this field empty.

For your information! If you do not receive our response during next 24 hours, please look at your email Spam / Junk Mail folder. In the past there have been problems with some customers email filters.